Print reading program labels

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You can print reading program labels for your new copies or for copies of titles that have new or updated reading program information.

To print reading program labels

  1. If you are not on the Create Reading Program Labels page, then follow the steps in the blue title bar.
  2. District-level only If you are a district cataloger or reports manager at the district level, use the For drop-down to select a single library.
  3. At the Reading Program field, select the applicable reading program.
  4. Use the Sort by drop-down to select how you want the labels to sort. This is unavailable for Lexile labels.
  5. Use the Based on drop-down to select the copies to include.
  1. In the Copies Added section, enter a beginning date in the From field and an ending date in the To field.
  1. In the Include section, select the applicable checkboxes to include additional information on the labels. The Quiz Number appears on the large stock regardless of whether you select this checkbox.

important If you select multiple checkboxes, you cannot print on the small labels. The small labels can only accommodate one extra line.

  1. Use the Label size drop-down to make your selection. Select your label size and the starting label.
  1. Click Run Report. Report Manager appears. To view the label report, click View.
Label content and alignment