Add site-specific subjects

You can add site-specific subjects to any of your title records.

These are subjects that appear only at your site in Destiny®.
At other sites in your district, they are ignored in searches and do not appear in any search results, on Title Details pages, or in reports.

To add a site-specific subject

To add a site-specific subject to this title, you can either create a heading or find and select an existing one.

To enter a new subject

  1. Open Update Site-Specific Subjects.
  2. Click Add Subject.
  3. Enter the subject term next to Site-Specific Heading.
  4. Add subheadings as necessary: Select the type from the list; and type in the term.
  5. Click Save to add the subject to the record.
    The new heading appears in the Update Site-Specific Subjects list.
  6. After you've added all the site-specific subjects for this title, click Close.

To add an existing subject

  1. Click Add Subject.
  2. On the Add Subject page that opens, click Find Heading to retrieve a list of existing subject headings from your records.
  3. On the Browse Headings page that opens, enter a search term in the Find box.
  4. Select Authority Headings or Bibliographic Headings from the list.
  5. Click Go!.
  6. To locate the desired heading, browse through the list of headings that appears. The list contains all your headings, including any previously created site-specific subject headings.
  7. Click Select next to the desired heading.
    The new heading appears in the Update Site-Specific Subjects list.
  8. After you've added all the site-specific subjects for this title, click Close.
Site-specific subjects in Destiny

Destiny includes site-specific subjects in the indexes. This allows Keyword and Subject searches to retrieve the title records that contain the heading.
Destiny also includes them in Browse Subjects in the Search Results.

If they are relevant to a Standards Search, the titles containing the site-specific subjects are included on the Titles tab of the search results.
If they are relevant to a WebPath Express Search, the titles containing the site-specific subjects are included on the Titles tab of the search results.

During an import, properly formatted site-specific subjects remain in the imported MARC record.
An export of the records includes any site-specific subject tags.

MARC record location

Site-specific subjects added in Update Site-Specific Subjects are stored as:

690 _a Local Subject Heading
_x General
_y Chronological
_v Form
_5 Destiny(<site ID>)

Site-specific subjects added in the MARC Editor can be any 690-699 field, not just a 690.

Site-specific tag versus a 69X Local tags

The only difference between site-specific subjects and other local subjects is the addition of a subfield _5 that contains the Destiny site information.

District cataloging and site-specific subject tags

While you do not have access to a Site Subjects button in Title Details, you can add them in Edit Title in the MARC Editor.
Please note that, in the MARC Editor, you can add any site-specific 690-699 tag, not just a 690.

You'll need to include a subfield _a, and a subfield _5 with the following content:

			Destiny(<site ID>)

where the site ID is that of the site that is to have the subject.
Make sure not to enter any spaces within the _5 subfield.

For example, cataloging a 690 tag with Volo Bog plants in subfield _a and Destiny(101) in subfield _5 looks like this on the MARC View tab:

Subj: Site-Specific 691 _a Volo Bog plants
_5 Destiny(101)

In Title Details at the site, Volo Bog plants appears in the Explore! section.