Create a library hold (Circulation desk)

When you create a hold in Library Manager from the circulation desk, you are holding a material. You can also create a reserve, which means you want to reserve a copy to pick up on a future date.

Note: Holds appear in My Info when a patron is logged in. In addition, when a patron is logged in, if they have been given access, they can hold their own copies. If the patron is not logged in or does not have access to assign holds, then the Librarian puts the items on hold for the patron.

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To create a hold

Important: To place holds on multiple copies of the same title, you must have the applicable access level.
  1. Select Circulation > Holds/ILL.
  2. In the Find Patron field, scan the patron barcode.
  3. Click Add Hold. The New Hold Request page appears.
  4. In the Find Title field, scan the copy or copies you want to hold.
  5. Find the copy you want, and then click Hold It.
    Note: When you select All Participating Libraries, you receive all search results. Destiny shows 25 results per page by default, or to view all results, you can click Show All.
  6. Scan any other copies you want to put on hold.
    Note: You can reserve a copy for a future date. To do so, change the list box from As soon as possible to Reserve for specific date. The New Hold Request page changes, and you have additional options to choose from before you save. At this point, you are reserving a resource for a future date.
  7. Make other changes accordingly.
  8. In the Hold field, enter the number of copies you want to hold.


    • When you hold multiple copies of the same title, the read-only Copies field does not include lost or hidden copies, unless the patron has permission to see hidden copies.
    • If all copies of a title are lost, the Copies field does not appear. The patron can only place a hold on the title.
    • If the library included a title in a related titles group, the Copies field includes copies of related titles.
  9. Click Save. The Choose Source page appears. See Approve requests.