Edit a Patron

Typically, you edit a patron when patrons:

  • Transfer to or from another location (school or public library)
  • Alert you to incorrect information in their records

Important: If you have an automated patron update process in place, any manual edits to a patron record are overwritten when the automated patron update runs.


  • District-level users: You can add a patron to additional sites. This is needed when a patron is taking classes at other sites in the district. The patron can be transferred to the additional sites. See step 6.
  • Homerooms: Patron records that are not associated with a homeroom cannot take advantage of all the features.

Edit a Patron

  1. Select Admin > Manage Patrons.
  2. In the Find field, type part of the patron's name or type in the first initial of their name with a wildcard (*).
  3. (Optional) If you are a district-level user, you can search for patrons across the district. Select the Search across the district checkbox.
  4. To complete the task for active patrons, select the Only Active Patrons checkbox.
  5. Click Search.
  6. From the list of patrons, find the patron you want to edit, and then click Edit. The Edit Patron page appears.

    Note: District users will see an +Add Additional Site button. When a site is added to a patron, the Site Information section lists the additional site. From this section, you can execute the transfer. To do so, click Transfer for the site you want to transfer the patron to.

  7. Make the necessary edits.

    In the User Name field, use special characters* to minimize the risk of patrons being considered duplicates or skipped during a patron import.

    * periods, dashes, underscores and apostrophes

    Examples:   jsmith, j.smith, j-smith, j_smith, j'smith are each considered different patrons.

  8. To print a label when you save, select the Print Label on Save checkbox.
    Note: For more information, see Print Patron Barcodes.
  9. (Optional) Edit address information, or add a picture.
    If you want to ...Then ...
    Update address information
    1. Click the Address sub-tab.
    2. Populate the information accordingly.
    Add a picture
    1. Click the Picture sub-tab.
    2. Go to Patron Picture.
  10. When you are done, click Save.