Edit a Patron
Typically, you edit a patron when patrons:
- Transfer to or from another location (school or public library)
- Alert you to incorrect information in their records
Important: If you have an automated patron update process in place, any manual edits to a patron record are overwritten when the automated patron update runs. |
Edit a Patron
- Select Admin > Manage Patrons.
- In the Find field, type part of the patron's name or type in the first initial of their name with a wildcard (*).
- (Optional) If you are a district-level user, you can search for patrons across the district. Select the Search across the district checkbox.
- To complete the task for active patrons, select the Only Active Patrons checkbox.
- Click Search.
- From the list of patrons, find the patron you want to edit, and then click Edit. The Edit Patron page appears.
- Make the necessary edits.
In the User Name field, use special characters* to minimize the risk of patrons being considered duplicates or skipped during a patron import.
* periods, dashes, underscores and apostrophes
Examples: jsmith, j.smith, j-smith, j_smith, j'smith are each considered different patrons.
- To print a label when you save, select the Print Label on Save checkbox.
Note: For more information, see Print Patron Barcodes. - (Optional) Edit address information, or add a picture.
If you want to ... Then ... Update address information - Click the Address sub-tab.
- Populate the information accordingly.
Add a picture - Click the Picture sub-tab.
- Go to Patron Picture.
- When you are done, click Save.