Merge Duplicate Patrons

Your database may contain several patron records for the same person. With the Merge Duplicates feature, you can retrieve all the duplicates for a particular patron, select the preferred record and delete the others. You can also retain multiple site associations for the patron, or discard all but the primary association.

Destiny retains the complete preferred patron record and its current transactions and statistics. It also adds the current transactions, statistics and other information from the other patron records. The only information Destiny deletes are any notes created in Circulation for the other patron records.

You can merge records for only one patron at a time.

Merge Duplicate Patron Records

First, identify the possible duplicate records for each patron. Then select the preferred record, and merge records.

  1. Select Admin > Update Patrons > Merge Duplicates sub-tab.

    Update patrons page Merge Duplicates sub-tab

  2. Choose the method for finding records that may be duplicates:
    • To search for the records yourself, select Find patron records with and enter the patron's first, middle, or last name, barcode number, nickname, grade level, homeroom, user name, a value in one of the User Defined fields, or a District ID.

      Note: To filter the search, select the field you want to search using the in drop-down.

    • To have Destiny search for duplicates, select Find possible duplicated patron records.

      Note: Destiny searches for exact matches of the First and Last Name combination. It ignores case, punctuation and spaces.
      For example, Destiny considers O'Brian and OBRIAN to be duplicates.

  3. Click Search.
  4. Review the list that appears, or if you had Destiny search for duplicates and there are multiple results, click Show More.

    Update Patrons page Merer Duplicate tab with a list of possible duplicates

  5. To select each patron record as a possible duplicate, click Duplicated Patron. The patron records move to the Currently Selected list at the bottom of the page.
  6. In the Currently Selected list, review each record that may be a duplicate:
    • To review their current transactions and requests, click Patron Status to open their Patron Status page.

      Note: This is only available at the site level.

    • To review their patron record, click Edit Patron.
    • To return to Merge Duplicates, click the breadcrumb.
  7. (Optional) If you determine that a particular record is not a duplicate, click Remove to remove it from the Currently Selected list.
  8. Once you have added all the possible duplicates to the Currently Selected list, click Next arrow at the top of the page.
  9. If you are a district user with the Manage Patrons for the District permission and the patron records have different or multiple site associations, select whether to keep all the associations, or just the primary association of the preferred record.
    Site association options
  10. Next to the patron record you want to keep, select Preferred record.
  11. Click Merge Patrons. A message warns that this process cannot be stopped or reversed.
  12. To proceed, click Yes on the confirmation message.

Note: If a message appears, stating that a patron record cannot be merged, you can click the arrow and then Patron Status to review and transfer or delete any transactions or requests that blocked the merge.

Destiny transfers all transactions, statistics and history from all the Other records in the Possible Duplicate Patrons list to the Preferred record. Destiny then automatically deletes the other patron records.

For Textbook Manager

For Resource Manager–Servicing Teams

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