Refund a fine credit
When a patron returns a copy that had been marked lost, paid for, and later returned, a credit is automatically created for the patron.
If the patron has no other fines—or fines that total less than the credit—you can refund the net amount of their credit.
You can refund fines only if a green (for local fines) or yellow (for offsite fines) checkmark appears in the Payable column.
- If you want a receipt of this transaction, select the Print Receipt check box at the bottom of the patron's Fines list.
- Click Update beneath the credit amount (for example, ($6.00) Total Amount).
- Click Yes on the confirmation message.
- If you chose to print a receipt, the printable page appears. Print the receipt using your browser's print button or command.
If you just want to print a receipt without refunding a credit, click Print It! instead of Update.