Update copies

The tabs of Update Copies let you remove copies from your collection, update your library or media copies, change the condition or location of your textbooks, or receive library copies from your district cataloger.

Note: Depending on the Destiny Resource Managers you have, you may not have all of the tabs available to you.

When deleting copies, be aware of the actions that Destiny® takes automatically:

  • Any fines are retained on the records of the patrons who incurred them.
  • Any holds for a library copy are deleted. (If there are other copies, any title holds remain in effect.)
    Any bookings for a district media copy are deleted (unless there are other copies).
  • The total numbers in the Collection Statistics - Summary are not affected by the deletion. When drilling down to view the copies, however, the deleted copies, and their individual statistics, do not appear on the list.

To delete individual copies

Individual Delete lets you remove copies from your collection by scanning their barcodes one by one. Use this feature when weeding materials from your collection or retiring old textbooks.

To delete a copy:

  1. If you manage both your library materials and textbooks in Destiny, choose the type in the from list.
  2. If you manage library materials for your district, select the school that owns the copies to be deleted, if desired.
  3. To have information about the deleted copies added to the Weeding Log, select the Track as weeded check box.
  4. Place the cursor in the Delete Copy box by clicking in it.
  5. Scan the copy barcode, or type in the number and click Go!.
  6. Repeat step 5 for all the copies to be deleted.

A Most Recently Deleted list opens, showing the title, barcode number, and call number (library or district media center materials) or location (textbooks) of the last 10 copies deleted.

To delete a batch of copies

Batch Delete lets you delete a group of copies using a file of barcode numbers:

  1. Create and save a text file listing the barcodes of the copies to be deleted. Alternatively, collect the barcode scans with a PHD Dolphin+ or Follett wireless handheld device, and then transfer the scan file to your workstation.
  2. If you manage both your library materials and textbooks in Destiny, choose the type from the File Contains list.
  3. If you manage library materials for your district, select the school that owns the copies to be deleted, if desired.
  4. Click Browse to locate your Scan.Log or text file.
  5. To have information about the deleted copies added to the Weeding Log, select the Track as weeded check box.
  6. To delete the copies, click Update and then Yes on the confirmation message.

When the delete process ends, Destiny produces a report that lists each copy deleted or skipped, and the reason.
To view the report, open the Job Manager in the Admin.

How do I update individual copies?

When you want to update one or more fields in a few copy records, use Individual Update. It lets you change the circulation type, assign a category, or change or remove the sublocation of a library or district media center copy.
(Circulation Type is not available for district media centers.)

You determine the change to be made, then identify the copies by scanning or typing the copy barcodes.
This saves you the time you would otherwise spend editing each individual record.

  1. In Update Copies in the Catalog, open Individual Update.
  2. If you manage library materials for your district, select a specific school to update.
  3. From the first list, select a field to update. Then, select or type the new contents of the field in the adjacent to box that appears.
    To remove a Sublocation, select it from the list and leave the adjacent to list at Undefined.
  4. To update a second or third field, repeat step 3. If you are updating only one or two fields, leave the unused lists at Select a copy field.
  5. Place the cursor in the Copy box by clicking there. Scan a copy barcode number.
    As Destiny processes the record, the title and barcode number appear under Most Recently Updated.
    If you would like to verify the changes, click the barcode number of the updated copy.
  6. Continue scanning or typing the remaining barcodes to update the information as needed.

To update a batch of library copies

Batch Update lets you do any of the following for a group of copies:

  • Add a category
  • Add, change, or remove the call number prefix
  • Change the circulation type
    (not available for district media centers)

You determine the changes to be made, then identify the copies by creating a list, or uploading a file, of their barcode numbers.
This saves you the time you would otherwise spend editing each individual record.

  1. If it appears, select Library from the list at the top.
  2. If you manage library materials for your district, select a specific school to update.
  3. From the first list, select the change you want to make.
  4. In the adjacent list or box that appears, select or type the new information.
    To remove a Call Number Prefix, select it from the list and leave the adjacent box empty.
    This process does not remove a Call Number Prefix when it would leave the copy without any call number.
    Please note that adding a category does not delete any others the copies may have.
  5. To update a second or third field, repeat steps 3 and 4.
    If you are updating only one or two fields, leave the unused lists at "- Select a copy field -".
  6. From the On all copies... list, select a method for identifying the copies to include:
    • Barcode List: Either create a new list, or select an existing barcode file:
      • Place the cursor in the Create a barcode list box and scan the barcodes, or type them in and click Add. To remove a barcode number from the list, select it and click Remove.
      • Click Browse to locate and select your file of barcode numbers.
    • List: If you have multiple Resource Lists, select the one needing to be updated.
      To review the contents of the Resource List, click View List.
  7. To begin the update, click Update and then Yes on the confirmation message.

When the update process ends, Destiny produces a report that lists each copy updated or skipped and the reason.
To view the report, open the Job Manager in the Admin.

To update a batch of textbook copies

Batch Update lets you change the condition or the location of a group of textbooks using a file of barcode numbers.

  1. Create and save a text file listing the barcodes of the copies to be updated. Alternatively, collect the barcode scans with a PHD Dolphin+ or Follett wireless handheld device, and then transfer the scan file to your workstation.
  2. If it appears, select Textbook from the list at the top.
  3. To change the condition of the textbooks, select the Condition option and choose the new condition from the list.
    To change the location, select the Location option and choose the new location from the list.
    To define a new location, click Other.
  4. Click Browse to locate your Scan.Log or text file.
  5. To begin the update, click Update and then Yes on the confirmation message.

When the update process ends, Destiny produces a report that lists each copy updated or skipped and the reason.
To view the report, open the Job Manager in the Admin.

To globally update copies

Global Update lets you quickly search your entire library or district media collection for copies containing specific information, and then replace that information or the information in another field of those copies.

First, you identify the group of copy records to update. You can use the following fields as the basis for a global change: Call Number Prefix, Category, Circulation Type (not available at district media sites), Description, Funding Source, Sublocation, or Vendor.
You then select the field that you want changed and what you want the contents of that field to be.

Global Update finds every copy record meeting the criterion and updates the contents of the selected field.

  1. In Update Copies in the Catalog, open Global Update.
  2. If you manage library materials for your district, select a specific school to update.
  3. From the Whose list, select the copy field and, in the is box, select or type the contents of the field that you want Destiny to find. These selections determine which records are updated.
    For Funding Source, Sublocation, or Vendor, you can leave the is box blank to find and update those copies for which this information is not defined.
  4. From the Change list, select the name of the field that you want to change in the copy records.
    Category or Description appears in the Change list only if you select it in the Whose list.
  5. In the to box, select or type the new contents.
  6. After making your selections, click Update and then Yes on the confirmation message.

When the process is finished, Destiny generates a report summarizing the update and listing all the copies changed. To view the report, open the Job Manager in the Admin.

Notes: The search is not case-sensitive. For example, a search for the Call Number Prefix Fic also finds the prefix fic.
A call number prefix is the non-Dewey data to the left of the first blank space or period in the call number field of the copy record. When Global Update updates a prefix, the remainder of the call number is unchanged.

To receive library copies

When your district cataloger has created copy records for you, you can receive them and assign barcode numbers to them.

  1. In Update Copies in the Catalog, open Receive.
  2. Locate the desired copy by browsing the list, or entering the ISBN or Control Number and clicking Go!. (You can find these numbers on the Library Copies In Transit list if your cataloger provided one.)
  3. Click Receive.
    If the copy already has a barcode number, Destiny removes the copy from the list.
    If the copy does not have a barcode number, the Edit Copy page opens, enabling you to scan or enter a barcode and click Save Copy. Destiny then removes the copy from the list.

Destiny adds the copy to your collection and changes its Copy Status to Available.
If a patron had requested this copy, however, a message appears and the Status changes to On Hold.

If you click Delete, the copy is permanently deleted from the collection.

See Also: To pre-print barcode labels for these copies, open Unused in Barcode Labels in Library in Reports.

To create a file of barcode numbers

You can create the file several ways. In fact, any method of barcode collection that results in, or can be reformatted to, the proper ASCII text format can be used.

  • Use a PHD Dolphin+ to create a file of barcode scans. Then, transfer the scan file to your workstation.
  • Use Follett Remote, a small single-user application, to create the file.
  • Use your circulation desk scanner to scan barcodes into a text editor such as Notepad or SimpleText. You could also type the barcode numbers into a file.

    Note: Do not use Microsoft Word, WordPad, or Apple TextEdit. Hidden characters created by these programs can cause the upload to fail.

Create the file with a text editor

  1. Open your text editor.
    The file does not need any header.
  2. Scan or type in the barcodes, one per line.
  3. Name and save the file. Make sure to save it as a .txt file and record the name and location of the file.

    Example of a barcode number file:

     T 15547
     T 874
     T 55478
     T 21947
     T 62155