Check Available Sources for a Title
For training resources
Search for a Record
Add Title lets you create new bibliographic records.
Because there may be an existing record in your collection, Alliance Plus Online, or a Z39.50 server that would meet your needs or require only minor modifications, it is recommended that you first search for a record.
- Select Catalog > Add Title > Check Sources sub-tab.
- Use the Find drop-down to select the material type or Any type.
- Use the With drop-down to select Title, Author, Subject, LCCN, ISBN or ISSN.
- In the third field, type a number or search term.
- Use a standard number to find a specific record.
- Make sure to enter the complete number. Standard number searches return only exact matches.
If you enter an ISBN, Destiny searches for both the 10-digit and the 13-digit form of the ISBN.
For the fastest results for a book in hand, scan the book's ISBN barcode, usually found on the back cover.If you do not have a standard number, try searching by the title, author, or subject. Enter as much of the name as you can.
If a title begins with a single letter that is not a leading article (for example, A is for America), surround the title with quotation marks.
- Click Go.
- To retrieve additional records from configured Z-Sources (Z39.50 servers), after clicking Go, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Get Z-Results.
Note: If you need to configure your preferred Z39.50 servers, open the Update Z-Sources sub-tab.